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Seven Tips For Beginners: How to Stay Connected

  • by Hyper Island Asia
Fatin Iesa, Crew X, Master of Digital Management, Guest Contributor

As I embarked on a new career, I took the chance to reflect about the new working environment in a new industry and learning how to stay connected. There are stark differences to a typical office day job. Being curious about Creative Confidence, I began to
 reflect about the new working environment in a new industry. Instead of being the wallflower I once was, I decided to slowly apply what I’ve learnt during modules of my Hyper Island Masters' journey.

Start with - acknowledging my needs to be connected in a remote work setting.

Slowly, I experimented with the various teaming tools and methods in a digitally-connected but physically-disconnected environment.

I discovered these 7 lessons and would like to share with you, as I work my way to stay socially connected with my team, our clients, and with myselfRead my Medium article here

Just like learning any new skill, these lessons learnt need to be continuously implemented to be a habit.

I am super grateful that my team was very receptive and supportive to try new things. 

Quoting one of Hyper Island values, “Lead the Change”, the first step to change is to change yourself. 


We hope this inspires and excites you to take the next step in your self-development journey. Applications for our MA programmes are now open for 2022-2023 intake, with application deadline extended till 30th June 2022.

Hyper Island Master's Programme Asia:



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